A Little Box of Activity Ideas For Kids : Teacher
Teachers know that every single minute in the classroom matters. This little box of time-fillers helps take advantage of those few extra minutes that naturally occur during the school day.
Presenting the time-fillers on wooden coins, for students to choose from, is a great way to get students involved. Making choices and decisions along with leading (or helping lead) the activities are all great ways to include every student, help build their self-esteem and make them feel special.
All of the activities and ideas in this box are geared towards ages 3-10. The time-fillers can take as long or as short as you’d like. You can expand on them by making them more involved, or you can leave them simple and as is. However you decide to use them, these time-fillers will be something your students look forward to!
Most of the activities can be done without movement, however, there are a few that require the kids to move around and be a bit more active. There are some that draw on lessons from the day, simple math, estimating/guessing, open-ended questions, discovering their classroom environment, etc.
Students will love reaching in and choosing a coin from the box. Each side of the coin has a simple time-filler on it. It’s a surprise every single time!
Here are just a few of the Time-Fillers / Classroom Activities you will find in the box:
•Play “Guess the Voice”
•Pretend you are a melting ice cube/snowball/ice cream
•Do 25 Jumping Jacks
•Copy clapping/stomping patterns
•Do the Hokey Pokey
The best part is that the time-fillers never get old...students can do them over and over again.
The Teacher Boxes also make great Teacher Appreciation Gifts and End of Year Teacher Gifts.
AGES: 3-10
TIME-FILLERS: 60 Simple Time-Fillers for the Classroom
COINS: 30 natural, wood coins, each measuring 1 ½ inches round
BOX SIZE: 4.75x2
NOT for children under 3 yrs. of age.
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